Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sick and Fat

I caught a cold last week.  When I get a cold my wife would like you all to know I become like every other man when they are sick.  A whiny, sniveling wuss, who can't even crack a can of soup.  I hate being sick especially during the summer time when you want to be outside.  I was kind of happy it was January in June last week as it matched my mood.

I was worried about being sick though, because it meant I couldn't get to the gym.  It meant that I had to stay home for a few days, it meant that I had to find at home, without going to the gym a way to comfort myself in my time of sickness.  We all know what we are like when we are sick, get out the ice cream, get out the junk food, get out anything that will make us feel better.

Normally when I am sick I would make a couple of fast food runs, grab a movie or two, and hunker down and wait it out, all the while enjoying my reprieve from the real world with comfort in a burger, ice-cream or fries form.  I am a simple man after all, it doesn't take much to make me feel happy when I am not feeling well.  So what was I going to do now that I couldn't have my comfort food.

Well I still had comfort food.  Comfort came in the form of soup (which is my all time favorite comfort food) in a can as I was too drugged up to be trusted with preparing my own homemade soup.  I ate some trail mix (very little I might add) and I slept.  Sleeping when you are sick is apparently the best thing for you, I never knew this before because I was too busy watching movies and eating ice cream to sleep.

I was really worried though because I wasn't able to get to the gym, as I knew going to the gym when you are sick is a real no-no.  Although some might argue going to the gym when you are feeling good is also misplaced truth.  Even though I was eating healthy, it did mean an entire week away from the gym.

I hit the gym on Tuesday to start off with some easy cardio for the next week or so.  After my workout I decided to face the inevitable and climbed upon the harbinger of bad numbered news; only to find out that I hadn't gained, I had actually lost.  I lost 4.9 lbs on a week that I hadn't gone to the gym.  I was so happy I couldn't stop smiling in the change room, which almost got me in trouble with a rather 'muscly' type guy who thought I was checking him out.  What I was most happy about though was the fact that I broke my goal of losing 50 lbs by the end of June early.  I have lost a total of 51.3 lbs!

I am pretty excited about that, I think I will celebrate... McDonald's anyone?  Just kidding...



John said...

Hey! Congratulations! All this talk of burgers and junk food is making me hungry...

Michael said...

51.3 lbs so far!! Way to go bro! So proud of you. Your boosted metabolism is even doing most of the work for you now (4.9 lbs on a no-workout week!) Let's hit the gym sometime. Ciao for now!


Anonymous said...

Awesome dude! 51.3! You must be using a digital scale to get the .3 :) or you've got really good eyes! Blessings and super happy for you.
