Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Worth the "Weight"

Amy and I were talking about how we are at that strange place where our clothes don't fit right anymore.  Most days I look like a prep and a rapper had a very large baby.  Some of my shirts look like they could fit two of me (ok maybe that's an exaggeration...)  and my jeans are falling off hence the new prep rapper look.  Good thing it's summer, shorts and flip flops are meant to be baggy, although yesterday even though I cinched up the belt tighter I am pretty sure that a few people were wondering why the moon was out on a such a bright sunny day.  I think I may have heard a few gasps from a couple of people, I took this to mean that my time on the stair master has been paying off!

Amy has been loving it as well, she told me yesterday that she has lost 15 lbs!  She's happy because it gives her a reason to go shopping.  I am happy because I get to go shopping with her.
SIDENOTE:  I will NEVER understand why guys don't like to go shopping with their wives/girlfriends... I actually enjoy it most days... how can you not enjoy going with a beautiful woman who gives you a fashion show at every other store?  Call me voyeuristic, but it's always worth my time!

I won't get new clothes for a while, that will be a reward for 100lbs.  I will just get all my other stuff fixed, so if you know a good cheap seamstress/tailor let me know!

Last week was a challenge to not get frustrated with myself as I did not lose, but rather stayed the same.  I hit the gym pretty hard and reduced the amount of grains I was eating ( I try not to go over 2-3 servings per day) as that is a good way to kick start your body again, and I changed the intensity level of my work-outs with some heavier weights and more cardio.  I had GREAT results as I am down another 6 lbs to 385.6!  which brings my total weight loss to 40.4 lbs!!!!  I am feeling good about that!

I usually have been blogging on Friday or Sat. but I thought I would weigh-in today and blog as Amy and I are going away for Friday/Sat. It will be an interesting time trying to figure out what to eat, and how to remain active, but I know that it will be a great time!

Have an awesome weekend!



Anonymous said...

Hey Blake

Great blog :)

I thought I would let you know about a tailor. Being on the short side of the spectrum, I have to get lots hemmed. Anyways, the cheapest one I have found is downtown at City Centre Mall - Holland Tailors. They are great and their prices are good.

Hope that helps.

Take care,
Lisa Pollard

Anonymous said...

YAY Blake... YAY Amy! That's great news :) Can't wait to see the changes... post pics soon!


Unknown said...

Blake...I really enjoy reading your blog and am rooting for you.

I have always had a great tailoring done by the little tailors in Mill Woods Town Centre by Safeway.

Dean D said...

" I will NEVER understand why guys don't like to go shopping with their wives/girlfriends..."

Amen! I like shopping even more than Maureen does. She gets new clothes, but who REALLY gets to enjoy it? That'd be me.

Blake said...

Dean, so true, so very true!!!

Steve Birss said...

That's awesome Blake. I don't think I'll recognize you next time I see you. You must be really proud of yourself!! I miss you buddy. I'd love to see you again, and hopefully sooner than later.

Melissa said...

Congrats Blake! Keep up the great work!! I'm rooting for you. :)


Hendrick Nicolajsen said...

I love shopping with my wife too :)